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I led my team in creating a new brand identity for the Seeds of Change. We created a powerful seed-to-plate story that unifies all three divisions of the brand and shows consumers how easy it is to make healthy, organic choices—from the seeds they plant to the food they cook to helping communities get access to organic food.

  • Time on website increased 35%
  • In the first month, sales on Amazon increased more than 200%
  • Store Locator visits increased 40%
  • Traffic from organic search has doubled since launch of the new site
  • With our redesigned emails, engagement grew 130%
  • Thousands of incremental social referrals
  • 1M of incremental GSV, which is a 212% increase from the previous year
  • After sampling SOC products, more than 52% of buyers repurchased
  • Over 30% increase in ROI